• All homework assignments are due on Fridays (see schedule), and should be submitted through Gradescope.

  • Programming exercises should be completed in Colaboratory.

    • Please submit to Gradescope a PDF of your notebook including a link to your Colaboratory file.
  • Theoretical exercises are encouraged to be completed in Colaboratory using LaTeX, as well. You may also submit a PDF scan of a handwritten response.

    • Please submit to Gradescope a PDF.
  • A simple method to generate a PDF of your Colaboratory consists in using the built-in browser print and save the result as a pdf.

  • On Gradescope, you can only submit one PDF file for the whole HW. Please create a PDF file for each notebook and merge all the PDF files you have.

  • Regarding the code, you only need to share a link directing to your Colab notebooks (and ensure that you grant access to your Colab). Please paste your Colab links at the beginning of your submission.

  • For Colaboratory notebook submissions, please

    • make sure that all cell outputs are clearly visible before saving the notebook.

    • set the share permissions so that “Anyone with the link can view”

    • see the Using Colaboratory post for more information.

  • You may collaborate with others when solving the problems, but your writeup should be your own work.

  • Please list the names of your collaborators (if any) on your submission.

  • Explain your work as concisely as possible. You may be graded on clarity of explanation, as well as “correctness.”

  • We may take off points if it hard to read your solution or if your solution is too long and the question is simple.

  • When you draw graphs, make them as informative as possible by labeling the axes and by annotating important locations.