To clarify our late policy:

  • If you need an extension on an assignment and have a valid reason for it, please email one of the TA’s in advance of the deadline.

  • Valid reasons for extensions are “unavoidable” events that can’t reasonably be planned for or scheduled around. Examples include:

    • unplanned travel
    • sickness/injury
    • family emergencies
    • registering for the class that week.
  • Extensions will typically be for 48 hours, i.e. until 11:59 PM EST on Saturday night. Only for extraordinary circumstances will longer extensions be granted.

  • If you submit late without an extension, you will get -20% off your grade on the assignment for each day late, up to two days after the deadline(i.e. until Saturday night). After that late assignments will not be accepted.

    • If you are unable to submit on time and not physically able to inform a TA beforehand(e.g. due to serious injury), we will make special considerations, but otherwise you must notify us in advance to get an extension.